Can I buy FLEX tickets as one-way?
FLEX tickets are available both as one-way and as return. On atlantic.fo you will always find the cheapest available tickets, either one-way or return, based on your search criteria.

Are FLEX tickets always available?
It is possible that FLEX tickets are unavailable, depending on how close to the time of departure you are booking.

Are there any discounts on FLEX tickets?
Children under the age of 12 receive a 50% discount. Infants a 90% discount.

Can I change an FLEX ticket?
Destinations and dates are changeable, but you may have to pay for a possible price difference.

Name changes are also allowed, but can only be made calling our Customer Service +298 34 10 00.

If the ticket is purchased on our website atlantic.fo it is possible to change destination and dates using the “Change Ticket” tab on our front-page without any additional change fees. If your ticket is purchased through a travel agent (3rd party) you have to contact them for any changes.

When using Atlantic Airways Customer Service there is an additional service charge. If your ticket is purchased through a Travel Agent please contact them for further information on any additional charges.

Can I refund my FLEX ticket?
FLEX tickets are refundable, though minus 500 DKK. For tickets bought on atlantic.fo or at our Customer Service we also offer a full refund should you regret your purchase within 24 hours of purchasing, though at the latest three hours before departure.

Taxes are refundable on an unused ticket.

After 24 hours; refunds are subject to service charges.

If you have purchased your ticket through a Travel Agent (3rd party) please contact them.

Please consider if you need cancellation insurance in case of an unexpected situation which could hinder your travel. Contact your preferred insurance company to hear more.

What if I fail to show up for my departure (No-show)?
If you fail to show up for your scheduled departure with an FLEX ticket, this part of your travel is lost. This is also the case for all connecting travels within the same ticket number. (E.g. Faroe Islands – Copenhagen – London. Your connecting tickets will be lost as well.)

Is there a limit for how long my ticket is valid?
An FLEX ticket is valid for 12 months after your initial departure.

How much luggage can I bring on a FLEX ticket?
Adults and children (2-11 y.o.) can check-in two pieces checked baggage weighing up to 23 kg plus one piece of cabin baggage weighing maximum 8kg.

Infants without a seat, which have not reached the age of 2 years, can check-in one piece checked baggage weighing up to 23 kg

If your return trip starts with another carrier (connecting flight) please check with the relevant airline for their luggage policy.

Can I pre-book seats when I book a FLEX ticket?
Yes, it is possible to pre-book seats when booking a FLEX ticket.